This new, two-day, HSEEP training course will focus on exercise program management to include design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. Additionally, the course will give participants a working knowledge of HSEEP, including the resources, tools, and policies that support compliance. It will highlight exercise program management in detail, and the HSEEP cycle in exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.
Course Objectives:
• Increase awareness of the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program Doctrine.
• Clarify Roles and Responsibilities.
• Improve Teamwork and Coordination.
Target audience: local, state, regional, tribal, and federal exercise personnel, including design team members, controllers, simulators, evaluators, and their support staff. This may include voluntary, non-governmental organizations and private sector that will utilize HSEEP.
• IS 120.a - An Introduction to Exercises
Your completion certificate from FEMA must be uploaded into MI-Train for verification before you will be allowed to take the course.
Recommended Course: