CCVFA 290th Meeting
Annual Meeting of the CCVFA will be held at the
Chassell Fire Hall
January 16, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
This new, two-day, HSEEP training course will focus on exercise program management to include design and development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. Additionally, the course will give participants a working knowledge of HSEEP, including the resources, tools, and policies that support compliance. It will highlight exercise program management in detail, and the HSEEP cycle in exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning.
Course Objectives:
• Increase awareness of the Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program Doctrine.
• Clarify Roles and Responsibilities.
• Improve Teamwork and Coordination.
Target audience: local, state, regional, tribal, and federal exercise personnel, including design team members, controllers, simulators, evaluators, and their support staff. This may include voluntary, non-governmental organizations and private sector that will utilize HSEEP.
• IS 120.a - An Introduction to Exercises
Your completion certificate from FEMA must be uploaded into MI-Train for verification before you will be allowed to take the course.
Recommended Course:

MPSCS Operator Training
Training announcement for the 800MHz Operator Training that we will be hosting at Michigan Tech on June 15th from 0900 to 1600 Fisher Hall Room 139. This includes a 1-hour lunch break.
We encourage persons attending to pre-register here (
This course is free and it is strongly encouraged that all users should attend the course.
Attendees should bring their own 800 MHz handheld radio as there are a limited number of training radios.
Please forward this email to any agency that uses 800 MHz Radios and please encourage members to come to the training.
If you wish to host your own 800 MHz Operator Training, please feel free to contact Darian Reed ( to schedule a course specific for your agency.
Incident Safety Officer
Incident Safety Officer course hosted by Baraga Fire Department. Contact Assistant Chief Taylor Mayo ( for more details.
Register in SMOKE

CCVFA 289th Meeting
Annual Meeting of the CCVFA will be held at the
South Range Fire Hall
January 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm
CCVFA Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting of the CCVFA will be held at the
Quincy Franklin Hancock Twp FIre hall on Sunshine Road
Thursday September 21, 2023 @ 7pm
Hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend please be safe and hope to see you at the meeting
Regional Search & Rescue Exercise
Superior Search & Rescue will be hosting a regional search & rescue exercise and invites all local responders to come participate.
To have your department come and join the exercise please contact Darian Reed - to let him know who wants to particapte.
This exercise is designed to be as close to a real world as possible. with family members, subject(s), and challenges. You will even go out into the field and search on public lands for a subject in a controlled fashion.
Propane Fire Training Blazes Into Your Area
The Michigan Propane Gas Association (MPGA) invites all area firefighters and first responders to attend our upcoming Propane Fire Training courses. This is a Michigan Bureau of Fire Services state-certificated training course. To receive certification, all personnel must attend both a classroom course AND complete the outdoor, hands-on training.
Register for the class through the BFS SMOKE system. Bring your BFS OFFT 6 digit personal identifcation number. Turn out gear and SCBA are required for the hands-on, outdoor training portion that immediately follows the classroom training.
Classroom Training
July 13, 2023 • 6:00 p.m.
Chassell Volunteer Fire & Rescue
22115 7th Street, Chassell
Contact: Curtis Judson
C: 956-336-9140
Course: 2023-1-31-L16A-0280
Submit training that is open to any member here to be featured on the website